Welcome to MRCS!

About Moffett Road Christian School

As you begin looking at church school coverings, you will find that each one is unique in its fee structure, requirements, and benefits. Therefore, the task becomes one of finding a covering that fits the needs and goals of your family. Some want a covering that makes them legal and then leaves them alone. Other families seek a covering that offers group activities and a framework of support and accountability.

For enrollment with Moffett Road Christian School, you pay a one-time (as long as enrollment is maintained) registration fee of $50 per family. Tuition is $175 for the first student and $10 for each additional student per year. Membership in the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is required, at our discounted (group) rate of $115 per family, per year. Families seeking to enroll a K5 student (only), pay $100. For K5 families, the new family fee is waived for the first year; upon re-enrollment, there is a discounted ($25) “new family” fee. We also offer discounted enrollment for families actively serving as lead pastors in a church ministry.

We assign each family to a cell group. Your cell group leader is intended to be a source of information and encouragement throughout your time with MRCS. During your first year with MRCS, your cell group leader will be available to assist you with curriculum choices and to help you evaluate the best methods of record-keeping and lesson planning for your family. She will be available to answer any questions you might have and reassure you that everything is headed in the right direction. Grades are entered online quarterly, and your cell group leader will serve to remind you of these deadlines.

Students in grades 3 and above must take the IOWA standardized test near the end of their first year with MRCS. All students test in 3rd, 5th, and 8th grade are required to test and submit testing results to a member of the leadership team. However, many of our families elect to test annually, both in preparation for high school testing and also as a method of evaluating the effectiveness of their chosen curriculum. High school students may choose to take the ACT, PSAT, or SAT to satisfy the testing requirement.

We require that one parent (per household) attend at least 4 meetings during the course of the school year – preferably, one meeting per quarter. Various options are offered monthly. Traditionally, in even-numbered months, we offer a school-wide fellowship at the church or another venue. In odd-numbered months, our cell groups meet in various locations around the city. Cell group meetings may take place in a cell leader’s home, at a restaurant for a “parent’s night out,” at the library for an informative meeting, or at a park, ice cream shop or other child-friendly venue so that children can attend too! You may attend any cell group meeting that fits your schedule and preference.

Each MRCS family performs one volunteer service during the course of the year. Options include assisting with set-up/break-down for a school-wide meeting, serving refreshments at one of our events, helping to organize a field trip, or working in the library. If you have a 4-year college degree, you may choose to proctor the standardized tests we require in the spring (the degree requirement is established by our testing facilitators at BJU).

Finally, because it is very important to us that our families are connected to a body of faith for support and encouragement, we discuss church involvement with newly enrolling families. We also request contact details in order to have the option to obtain a reference from your lead pastor, youth pastor, or a church (leadership) member who knows your family well.

MRCS offers several options to foster a sense of community and fellowship among our families. Field trips, student government, extracurricular activities, cell group meetings, Academic & Fine Arts Showcase, and volunteer outreach programs are just a few of the opportunities available.

New families may enroll throughout the year with administrator approval. Interested families may contact our Administrator, Lee Schansberg, to request an enrollment packet for new families here. We’d love to have you join our MRCS community!

MRCS Highlights

Our Latest News

October e-Newsletter

Click HERE to see all of the latest news and upcoming events for MRCS in October!

Box Tops for Education

You can help earn cash for our school just by shopping at the grocery store! Download the Box Tops app and search for Moffett Road Christian School. After you download the app, you will be able to scan your grocery receipts for participating Box Top products and earn cash for our school automatically. There is […]

August e-Newsletter

Click HERE to see all of the latest news and upcoming events for MRCS in August!

Big Changes Coming to the MRCS Library! 

There are some big changes coming to our school library! The library has a wide selection of curriculum that can be checked out for FREE during the school year. Staff and volunteers are working to provide families with an easier way to access these titles and find what they need to help them on their […]